Open Day
At the beginning of each season we hold an Open Day where we invite anyone to come along and meet us.
This gives prospective members to find out more about Bowls. Come along and have a go. Bowls will be provided, just wear soft soled flat shoes.
This year our Open Day is on the beginning of May Bank Holiday Monday - 6th May starting at 10am
We will be having a BBQ; stalls selling Plants, a Tea and Cake stall and a Tombola. The bar will be open all day.
We are looking for help from members as follows:
- Cake makers
- Prizes for the Tombola
- Plants for the Plant Stall
Also, we need help on the day form members as follows:
- Meet and greet
- Stalls
- Help in the Kitchen
- Bowlers to give quick introductory lessons for new bowlers
If you can help in any way then please contact us or sign up on the notice in the clubhouse
Thank you